About Us

Community Sponsorship Ireland (CSI) is an innovative approach to refugee resettlement. We encourage groups of friends, colleagues and neighbours to come together and welcome a refugee family to our country. 

Funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) and the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021-2027, Community Sponsorship Ireland is a key initiative under the Irish Refugee Protection Programme (IRPP).

The programme gives ordinary people the chance to help refugees rebuild their lives in safety in Ireland. By focusing on local support, Community Sponsorship Ireland fosters meaningful connections between refugees and their host communities. This leads to positive, long-lasting integration. 

Community Sponsorship Groups (CSGs) help by offering practical supports and a warm welcome. This ensures the family feels at home in their new environment. 

How it Works

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) nominates a family or individual to The Irish Refugee Programme (IRPP). The IRPP interviews families, selecting them based on eligibility criteria and their consent to join the programme. After that, they match with a Group.

In advance of the family’s arrival, Community Sponsorship Groups must:

  • Complete a Settlement Plan & budget detailing how you will support the family
  • Complete online training modules from the National Support Organisation and Tusla’s Children First certificate
  • Complete a Community Sponsorship Group Application Form and group constitution
  • Fundraise at least €10,000
  • Secure accommodation for at least two years
  • Complete a welcome pack for the family

Families are interviewed by Counter-Terrorism Police and participate in a medical check-up. When the family arrives, the Group welcomes them at the airport. The Group helps them settle into their new homes right away.